Posted by on July 6, 2017

Smart Marketing Tips

A webinar on LinkedIn the other day featured three younger marketing mavens talking about digital marketing and how print was no longer relevant. Such shortsightedness is dangerous in building a marketing campaign that is effective and utilizes all the tools necessary to achieve the ultimate goals.

Absolutely digital marketing in the form of CRM outreach and SEO hierarchy to drive interested parties to your very expensive electronic business presence is of utmost importance. But don’t underestimate the strength of print in today’s market. Studies have shown that online efforts are fleeting, and while they do connect with the viewer at that precise moment there is typically a drop off in memory. For many, nothing is left on the table, so to speak, for the interested party to return to. Of course, a Google search will many times bring them back to you. But again, Google has changed the playing field and your team must keep up with the parameters and keyword searches.

Print is direct, compelling and is in the hands of your targeted audience. Postcards are especially effective: In the hand of the viewer, the message you need to convey comes through–simply because it is easy and right in front of them. Many marketers use handwritten envelopes to “entice” the recipient to open.

So the point is, look at all the options, and utilize every opportunity to connect with your clients to tell your story and inspire them to be a part of building your offering.


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